Massachusetts Class I RECs (New England)

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The Massachusetts Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) was adopted by the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) in 2002. In 2008, the Green Communities Act (Senate Bill 2768) expanded the RPS and identified two different renewable energy standards - Class I RPS and Class II RPS. The expansion requires all retail electricity suppliers to provide a specific portion of their annual energy sales to end-use customers from a renewable energy source that qualifies for Class I or Class II REC production.

Class I RECs are a different type of commodity than SRECs, which are specific to the solar carve-out of the RPS, and trade at a lower price. The Class I REC market includes a variety of renewable energy sources.

States Eligible


Tracking Registry


Energy Year

Jan - Dec

Production Tracking

Independent Verifier

Eligible Energy Sources

The following renewable energy sources are eligible to produce Class I RECs:

  • Solar Photovoltaics
  • Wind
  • Biomass
  • Hydroelectric
  • Geothermal Electric
  • Solar Thermal Electric
  • Municipal Solid Waste
  • Landfill Gas
  • Tidal
  • Wave
  • Anaerobic Digestion
  • Fuel Cells using Renewable Fuels

MA Class I REC Facts

  • 1 REC = 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of renewable electricity
  • Value is determined by market supply and demand mechanics
  • Facilities must be certified by the MA DOER to sell RECs

Minimum Standard and Alternative Compliance Payment

Energy Year Minimum Standard % (inclusive of Solar Carve Outs) ACP
2018 13.00% $68.95
2019 14.00% $70.44
2020 15.00% N/A
2021 17.00% N/A
2022 19.00% N/A
2023 21.00% N/A
2024 23.00% N/A
2025 25.00% N/A
2026 27.00% N/A
2027 29.00% N/A
2028 31.00% N/A
2029 33.00% N/A
2030 35.00% N/A

An obligated entity may meet the Minimum Standard requirement by paying the Alternative Compliance Penalty (ACP) for each Megawatt-hour (MWh) of renewable energy shortfall of the obligation. The DOER announces the ACP annually, on January 31st, which is adjusted each year based upon the previous year’s Consumer Price Index. The ACP rate caps the market.

Eligibility Period

There is no limit to the period of time that a renewable energy facility is eligible to produce Class I RECs. The following dates are the deadlines to submit an application to SRECTrade in order to guarantee the facility will be eligible for the corresponding quarter:

  • Q1 (January-March) - May 10th
  • Q2 (April-June) - August 10th
  • Q3 (July-September) - November 10th
  • Q4 (October-December) - February 10th

Meter Readings

All facilities must use an Independent Verifier (IV) to report their readings directly to NEPOOL. A list of independent verifiers can be found here.

Eligibility Start Date

A facility’s eligibility to produce Class I RECs can begin with the system’s interconnection, so long as the certification application is submitted prior to the interconnection quarter’s application deadline. Otherwise, eligibility will be based on the application date and its corresponding quarter. System owners should apply for certification around the date of interconnection to ensure they receive Class I REC eligibility for all generation produced following interconnection.

SREC II to Class I Production Transition

As Massachusetts transitions from the SREC II program to the new SMART program, solar facilities enrolled in the SREC markets will no longer be eligible for SREC production upon (1) conclusion of their 10 year (or 40 quarter) lifespan, dating back to the application submission date, or (2) the close of Q4 2027. The lifespan ends with whichever date comes first.

Once the SREC production eligibility period ends, the solar system will be eligible to produce Class I RECs. SRECTrade will continue any existing management and transaction services for facilities as they transition to Class I REC production.

Class I REC Issuance Schedule

Class I RECs are issued quarterly on a one quarter delay. The following dates represent the state’s issuance of Class I RECs for the corresponding quarter:

  • Q1 (January-March) - July 15th
  • Q2 (April-June) - October 15th
  • Q3 (July-September) - January 15th
  • Q4 (October-December) - April 15th