Archive for the ‘Solar Financing’ Category

Solar Power Finance & Investment Summit, San Diego, CA

Posted February 26th, 2010 by SRECTrade.

SRECTrade will be heading to the Solar Power Finance & Investment Summit in San Diego in March.  We’re excited to attend! Here are the details of the conference:

The Solar Power Finance & Investment Summit has established itself as a major gathering place for the solar power industry’s decision makers—the one deal-making venue where the solar power and financial communities come together year after year to network and conduct business. Previous Summits have been enormous successes, busy with major industry and financial professionals networking and discussing deals. The 2010 Summit is slated for more of the same.

Hear From Leading Solar Power Project Developers, Utilities, Financiers, Investors and Other Industry Players at the Solar Business and Networking Event of the Year!