On Wednesday, July 28th, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) unanimously approved the highly anticipated Successor Solar Incentive Program (“SuSI Program”). The SuSI Program will support the development of 3,750 megawatts (MW) of new solar generation by 2026, effectively doubling the state’s current solar capacity and driving solar to become approximately 10 percent of the state’s total electricity supply.
Importantly, the SuSI Program will take effect on August 28, 2021, and contains two sub-programs detailed below. Thus, the New Jersey Transition Incentive (TI) Program will close at midnight on Friday, August 27th. TREC applications will be accepted until that date and will be provided with a 5-business day window to correct minor deficiencies, if required, after their review.
- The Administratively Determined Incentive (ADI) – a 15-year, fixed-price incentive payment for net-metered solar projects less than or equal to 5 MW in size. This sub-program is inclusive of all residential projects and most commercial and industrial projects, with pricing varying based on project type and size (see table below).
- The Competitive Solar Incentive (CSI) – a competitive solicitation for grid supply projects and net metered commercial and industrial projects larger than 5 MW. The first competitive solicitation is projected to launch in early-to-mid 2022.

Notably, net-metered residential projects will receive pricing only $1.20/megawatt-hour (MWh) less than their current effective TREC pricing of $91.20/MWh. The incentive value for public entities in each market segment is $20/MWh than their non-public counterparts. Public entities include school districts, municipalities, and public colleges and universities.
SRECTrade will continue to post significant updates on the transition between the current Transition Incentive program and the upcoming SuSI Program as they become available.