Posts Tagged ‘Auction’

Massachusetts SREC Auction Closes October 17th at 5 p.m. Eastern

Posted October 13th, 2011 by SRECTrade.

In coordination with the upcoming Massachusetts Q2 2011 Solar REC issuance, SRECTrade will be hosting an auction for MA2011 SRECs. The auction order window is currently open and closes on Monday, October 17th at 5:00 p.m. Eastern. Auction clearing price results will be published on Wednesday, October 19th on SRECTrade.

Haven’t created an account yet? All self-serve sellers managing their own SRECs can create one here. If you are a buyer and have not yet signed up for an account you can do so here.

All sellers with a managed EasyREC account will have orders automatically placed on their behalf. If managed sellers need to make any changes to their offer prices, they can do so through their online account prior to 5:00 p.m. Eastern on Monday, October 17th.

The next SRECTrade auction covering all Solar Renewable Energy Credit markets (i.e. DC, DE, MD, MA, NJ, OH and PA) will close on Monday, October 31st at 5:00 p.m. Eastern. The order window is currently open. To place orders please login here.

New Improvements for EasyREC customers!

Posted October 10th, 2011 by SRECTrade.

SRECTrade is launching a new round of website updates to provide customers with greater ease and versatility in selling SRECs. Some of these changes are already visible for customers when they log onto their EasyREC account. Here are two of the important new features released this week:

A New Account Home Page! This new home page is designed to provide you with all the information you need to know about your unsold SRECs in an streamlined, easy-to-read format. You can simply hover your cursor over your SRECs “Eligible Markets” to see in which states (and which Energy Years) they are eligible, as well as alter their minimum prices. The “Notices” section of the account page will keep you up-to-date on the most recent actions involving your SRECs, so check back whenever you want to get a quick update on your status!


Multiple Minimum Prices! This feature allows customers to set different minimum prices for each of their SREC vintages. This provides customers the ability to stagger their offer prices, potentially selling some of their SRECs now and placing a higher value on others. The “Future Minimum SREC Price” acts as the default minimum price that will be applied to new SRECs as they get created at the end of the month:


SRECTrade will be adding more new features to your account over the next few months, so stay tuned! Many exiting things are on the way!

We’re continually working to improve our service and would love to hear what you make of these latest improvements.  Send us some feedback »

SRECTrade Now in North Carolina

Posted June 18th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

North Carolina is a brand new market for the exchange of SRECs. There are no restrictions on selling North Carolina SRECs to eligible states in the PJM network. North Carolina has a Renewable Portfolio Standard mandated by the state, with a specific carve-out for solar energy. 12.5% of all energy sold by suppliers must be from renewables by 2021, with 0.20% of that coming from solar energy.

Utilities are required to provide the above portions of electricity from solar sources. Your SRECs help the utilities to reach this minimum threshold. Normally, if they do not reach the threshold, they are forced to pay a Solar Alternative Compliance Payment (SACP). The state of North Carolina has not yet determined what the price of their SACP will be. When this is decided, the price of SRECs will respond. For now, the price will be around the regional average, $200-$250.

Getting Started in North Carolina

Talk to your installer to get your PV installation certified in North Carolina and other states where it is eligible. Once you have these state certification numbers, we’ll be able to help you establish an account and manage your SRECs. We’ll cross-list your SRECs on our multi-state auction platform every month to make sure you get the best price for your SRECs. Alternatively, if you choose to manage your own SRECs, you would need to register with the appropriate state SREC agency. After that you can choose to sell your SRECs month-to-month on

SRECTrade Expands to Virginia & West Virginia

Posted June 18th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

In Virginia and West Virginia, SREC markets do not currently exist. However SREC generators in these markets are able to sell out-of-state in other markets.

Virginia enacted a voluntary Renewable Portfolio Goal in 2007. Investor-owned utilities are encouraged to obtain a percentage of power sold in Virginia from renewable sources. There are various incentives for the utilities that participate, however, since solar is still more costly than other types of energy, it is unlikely in the short term that utilities in Virginia will be looking to buy SRECs. Meanwhile, in West Virginia there is no RPS program. States with stringent RPS standards still need SRECs, and your SRECs from Virginia or West Virginia can be sold into some of the other PJM states. In this year, SRECs have been fetching prices from $200-$250 in other markets, and this is forecasted to increase.

Getting Started in Virginia and West Virginia:

Talk to your installer to get your PV installation certified in states where it is eligible. Once you have these state certification numbers, we’ll be able to help you establish an account and manage your SRECs. We’ll cross-list your SRECs on our multi-state auction platform every month to make sure you get the best price for your SRECs. Alternatively, if you choose to manage your own SRECs, you would need to register with the appropriate state SREC agency. After that you can choose to sell your SRECs month-to-month on